Dan Lindstrom, Conductor
Changing the world, one note at a time…
The Clovis Community Band is amazing! We play six concerts each year, four of which are at the outstanding Paul Shaghoian Concert Hall on the Clovis North High School Campus. We have over 70 instrumentalists in the band and we always have room for dedicated musicians. If you play an instrument or you just need a reason to get the horn out and return to the joy of making music, please contact the director, Dan Lindstrom at dlindstrom.12951@gmail.com or call 559-327-2876 to find out more about this exciting class! We meet on Tuesday evenings at Clark Intermediate School.
Even if you do not play an instrument you will not want to miss our next concert. Please see below for this year’s performance dates. Concerts are free!
We accept donations. Please call Clovis Community Education at 559-327-2876 for more information.
Check out this great article in the Fresno Bee about the band. Click HERE.
Please call for upcoming concert dates! 559-327-2876
Contact Us:
Dan Lindstrom at dlindstrom.12951@gmail.com
Music Librarian:
Kim Morita at mkmorita@comcast.net
Treasurer and Webmaster:
Steven Pazin at sp070@cvip.net
Links to Past Performances:
December 18, 2016 Christmas Concert
Clovis Community Choir: https://youtu.be/8hDlKYFCl2I
Clovis Community Band: https://youtu.be/JRWQ7LBdrjQ
October 23, 2016 Fall Concert: https://youtu.be/0o9C9Uo6x78
May 1, 2016 Spring Concert: https://youtu.be/siaEJxjXD5c
April 24, 2016, Fresno and Clovis Community Bands Combined Concert:
Fresno Community Band: https://youtu.be/PJcJf5YfAPg
Clovis Community Band: https://youtu.be/4BHd_Vp6Iws
Combined Bands: https://youtu.be/7GsfD4LoyWc
Normandy 2014
This link is for the ceremony held at the American Cemetery at Omaha Beach: http://youtu.be/ExVUcEaw4Zw
Pearl Harbor 2016
Thank you for Stansbury Music for providing this video. It’s the 75th Commemoration of Pearl Harbor Mass Band Performance: https://youtu.be/MFqKy4sVH4o